Monday, March 29, 2010

Local leaders discuss YMCA ideas, future


Nineteen local agency leaders came together Wednesday at New River Valley Agency on Aging to discuss the future of the Hensel Eckman YMCA in Pulaski

The purpose of the “think tank” meeting was to see how the “Y” could work with area agencies to provide programs beneficial to the community.

Local leaders also wanted to stress what the Oakhurst Avenue facility has to offer, including the only indoor pool in Pulaski County. Many programs already offered by the “Y” were outlined as well.

Many different ideas were proposed at the meeting.

First, Dave Hart, director of Parks and Facilities for Pulaski, suggested moving an upcoming Teen Dance sponsored by the town from the Armory on Draper’s Mountain to the YMCA.

Mark Nichols, chief executive officer for Pulaski Community Hospital, suggested the “Y” offer classroom space for classes such as financial education for young people, so youth can be taught how to properly and more effectively manage their assets.
Another area of discussion focused on targeting Pulaski area youth for new and better after school programs. It was noted that the use of facilities such as Central Gym have helped keep young people from getting into trouble.

The elderly were also a topic of interest. It was proposed that the YMCA serve as a center for Adult and Respite Care programs, while also working with the local area transit to provide transportation to the YMCA’s facility.

Pulaski County Recreation Director Anthony Akers pointed out that the county’s plan for a Recreation and Wellness Center at the old TMD Friction building are not set in stone and that plans to operate a the YMCA should continue.

Everyone was in agreement that the entire property and ideas from the community should be assessed, so that the property can be utilized to the highest extent.

The overall message was clear though – the community needs to come together and find a resolution for the YMCA’s current obstacles and it’s future in the Town of Pulaski.
For more information on the YMCA and its programs, you can visit or call 540-980-3671.

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