Monday, March 29, 2010

Census sites launch today


Five census sites will launch today, which will help the residents of Pulaski and Dublin file their 2010 U.S. Census information.

There be five total sites. Two of those sites will be considered "Be Counted" Sites, where the forms needed to complete the census will be available at a kiosk located at both the Town of Dublin building and Pulaski County Administration building.

The three other sites will actually include on-site personnel, who will help members of both localities to complete their census information.

In 2000, 72% of residents in Virginia mailed back their census information to be counted. The government has bumped up their publicity for the campaign, including more commercials and even a NASCAR sponsorship to help.

For ever 1% of forms that are mailed back in, the State of Virginia will receive 80 million dollars from that.

These five sites will remain open until April 15. If a census form is not completed, those who did not complete one will by filed on a non-response list and may have a door-to-door visit from a census employee after May 1.

For more information about the census and these locations, contact Jess Frye at 304-685-9628 or email

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