Monday, March 29, 2010

Census officials warn of scams


Census officials warn residents to be cautious of potential scams that could occur as Census officials start making door-to-door visits in May.

The best way to avoid scams and a door-to-door visit from the Census Bureau, is to stay off the non-response list by completing census forms and returning them by April 15. Door-to-door visits will begin on May 1.

All Census employees will wear an ID badge, which does not have a photo, and will be carrying a bag with the Census logo on it. If you are suspicious of a potential employee, you may ask for a photo ID, which will be their driver's license.
Census employees will never ask to enter a home or ask for valuable personal information, such as social security numbers, bank account numbers, or income information.

"If you feel that someone is misrepresenting themselves, or you have any concerns you should contact your local law enforcement agency immediately," said Karen Wesley, Partnership Specialist with U.S. Census Bureau.

In 2000, the last year the census was conducted, 72 percent of Virginians returned their census forms by mail. For every 1 percent growth in the national mail participation rate, taxpayers are saved $85 million.

For information on the census and the current mailback rate for your area, visit the census website at

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