Monday, March 29, 2010

Local band pledging fun and charity


Consisting of all junior students at Pulaski County High School, 'Now & Then' is a local garage/rock/punk group that is looking to make a splash.

The members of the band – Alex Alcantara, Garett King, Travis Kissinger, and Stephen Southard – formed the band on Dec. 19, 2008 after meeting in Garret's garage.

"We were in a band in eighth grade that wasn't doing much, so we took a break," King said. "We decided to come up to my house and play some music by ourselves. We tried to find a drummer and a bass player. From then on, Alex knew Travis, so he came up and started playing drums for us. We booked a small show at Robinson Tract Community Center. We brought Stephen in two weeks prior to that. Now and Then was formed."

Alcantara and King have sing vocals and play guitar, while Southard plays bass. They have been doing so for three years. Kissinger plays drums and has been playing them for two years.

Their inspirations are worldwide bands Blink 182 and All Time Low, as well as another local band Without A Fight. The band's name comes from an interesting concept that was first brought up by Alcantara's mother.

"We used to play some songs from AC/DC and bands like that," Alcantara said. "Then we started working our way up and playing things from the 1990's. She said they were songs from now and then, so we decided we should be called 'Now and Then'."

Since that time, the band has played some smaller shows around the area, including a Haiti benefit concert this past Saturday at Carroll County High School with many other local bands, such as Texas Side Project, The Three Came As One, Shotgun Saints, Without A Fight, Aside Ocean, and much more. The show raised over $500 for the relief effort in Haiti.

"To raise a pretty good amount of money and entertain at the same time was pretty awesome," Southard said. "We hope we can do it again sometime."

The band has many songs written and are planning to create a CD, but they are needing help from sponsors in order to do so.

"We are working on selling some shirts right now," Kissinger said. "People can come to our shows or visit our MySpace if they want to buy one."

The band will be playing again on April 26 at the Stage (formerly Kazemers). For more information on the band and when they will be playing, you can visit the band’s MySpace page, or contact their manager, John King, at 540-980-1475.

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